解決顯示卡驅動程式安裝問題:Display Driver Uninstaller

目前一般電腦的主流顯示晶片,基本上大概只剩下三家:Intel、NVIDIA、AMD 了;而在獨立顯示卡的部分,基本上也只有 NVIDIA 和 AMD 兩個選項了。


這樣的好處,固然就是方便了~不但版本統一、使用者也不容易弄錯,甚至換卡也可以直接用、不需要重裝;但是相對的,造成的問題就是顯示卡驅動程式也就因此越包越大了…以 NVIDIA 的 GeForce 驅動程式來說,由於又包了一堆東西,所以也已經到 340MB 左右了…

而這樣不斷地累加更新、如果又有裝一些特殊版本的驅動程式(例如 OpenGL 開發者版之類了…),往往很容易造成電腦裡堆了一堆垃圾、甚至讓新的驅動程式安裝失敗…

這時候該怎麼辦呢?畢竟,光用原廠的驅動程式反安裝功能很多時候其實不見得移除的乾淨,再加上微軟的 Windows 10 有的時候又會很自動地試著安裝 Windows Update 上的驅動程式版本,所以當真的發生顯卡驅動程式無法更新的狀況時,往往也無法很簡單地靠「移除舊版驅動程式」來修復。

這時候,或許就可以試試看「Display Driver Uninstaller」這款工具程式了!

他的介紹、以及下載連結可以參考 The guru of 3D;下面就是官方的說明(官方論壇):

What is Display Driver Uninstaller?

Display Driver Uninstaller is a driver removal utility that can help you completely remove AMD/NVIDIA/Intel graphics card drivers and packages from your system, without leaving leftovers behind (including registry keys, folders and files, and the driver store).

The AMD/NVIDIA/Intel video drivers can normally be uninstalled from the Windows Control panel, this driver uninstaller program was designed to be used in cases where the standard driver uninstall fails, or whenever you need to thoroughly delete Intel, nVidia or ATI/AMD video card drivers.
The current effect after you use this driver removal will be similar as if its the first time you install a new driver just like a fresh, clean install of Windows. As with any tool of this kind, we recommend creating a new system restore point before using it, so that you can revert your system at any time if you run into problems.

This tool acts similar to what other driver cleaner programs do + the extra mentioned above.
If you have problem installing older driver or newer one, give it a try as there are some reports that it fixes those problems.

It is important to do a system restore point before as with any tool like this one, it is better be on the safe side and have a backup.

簡單來說,他就是一款可以乾淨地移除 Windows 內的(AMD/NVIDIA)顯示卡驅動程式的小工具了!


在 Heresy 來看,如果顯示卡驅動程式無法更新的時候,這個小工具算是相當實用的!而實際上,他也解決了 Heresy 這邊好幾台電腦的相關問題了。


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